

How lucky we feel to have been blessed by our dear Codey. Our first dog as a family. we couldn’t have wished for a more loving. loyal and fun dog., who was our best friend.

We were so thankful for all of Pats help and support , she and her beautiful collie family gave Codey the best start in life he was always so easy to be around (due to his temperament and socialisation before he came to us at 12 weeks old) and fitted straight in with our life.

We are so incredibly sad he couldn’t stay with us longer, but we are very happy we shared a full and beautiful life together. Love you always Codey, such a special soul who has touched our hearts forever. Your family Sophie John Belle and baby bump.

I Pat was very proud to have bred this wonderful boy, as a pup he was one of those pups that got under my skin and I kept thinking I should keep him then changed my mind then changed it back again ,then this wonderful couple came along and he was perfect for their lifestyle so I let him go. But over the years I kept in touch and received some wonderful pictures of the life they gave him (I couldn’t have asked for a better home). So, to say I am gutted that’s Cody is no longer with us is an understatement, I will always remember Codey with a smile and a warm feeling, he was a lovely soul.