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Rough collie judge Gina Stillwell ( Be llawave) Post Grad dog 6 entries 0 absent Percy 4th Minor puppy bitch 5 entries 1 absent Cinders 4th Yearling bitch 3 entries 0 absent Rumba 1st Rumba has qualified for the EACA dog of the year contest 2024 Smooth collie same judge 6 entries 0 absent Post grad dog or bitch Diablo 4th

  • Date:06/08/2023 12:41 PM
  • Location Littleport Leisure centre Camel road Littleport Ely Cambs CB6 1EW (Map)


Critique for EACA 2nd show

Yearling Bitch

1st Corben’s Wisewyn Lustosa by Design Via Caprioara. 15 month old sable bitch shown in good coat. She is not a big girl with reg ards to height but she has a good body shape and good substance. I found her head to be of the classic type, with lovely dark almond shaped eyes.

Her ears are correctly placed, and well tipped. She has good angulations. On the move she was forward going.

Judge Gina Stillwell.