Welanga Winter Carols
SIRE - Highnol Echos in the Mist for Welanga / DAM - Highnol Heaven can wait with Welanga

Pet name Thistle D.O.B 04/01/2020 Coefficient - 18.7 Proven Stud

Thistle has been DNA results are:-

MDR1 +/-

CEA - /-

CN +/+

DM -/-

DMS Low Risk 

HUU +/+

Please let me introduce you to our youngest member Thistle....

My good friend (sadly no longer with us) of many years decided to breed a litter of roughs, I was looking for a new male pup to become a stud in years to come. My friend told me of her pups due to be born and I said if there is a blue boy in the litter, he is mine. Well sadly my friend went into hospital and she died before she could even have a chance to see the pups she had waited so long to breed. But her daughter kept her mums word and so a blue boy came to us. Why the name Thistle...the Thistle is from Scotland (so are Roughs) and my friend could be a bit prickly, so Thistle is the right name for him. So, Jean my friend I will show this boy and always think of you, I know you didn’t get to meet him, but you did breed a good one a right little cracker.

Thistle bring new blood lines into our family as he has Erjon. Jopium,slatestone and amalie breeding behind him so not related to my lines at all, so good for the gene pool 

Once the showing is going again watch out for our shining star the blue boy Thistle

New picture October 2020

New Pictures December 2020

New pictures January 2022


Update summer 2022

At East of England show Thistle won the Special beginners class and then went on to win the best special beginner in breed award.

Thistle Dad Highnol Echos in the Mist for Welanga

Thistle Mum Highnol Heaven can wait with Welanga