Caprioara prince of Thieves
SIRE - Caprioara Grey Owl / DAM - Caprioara Black Secret

Pet name Raffles 28/11/2015 - Sadly No Longer With Us

Raffles was one of 5 pups and he was the naughtiest one there, he used to pinch stuff especially socks and would love to prance around with them, that’s why I called him Raffles ( after a fictious Thief). He was fun loving and just loved to run and be free, he enjoyed being with other dogs and was a lovely gentle kind soul.

He wasn’t too keen on showing although he did win many firsts and also qualified for Crufts many times, he did love Georgie who co-owned him with me, and the two together were just wonderful to see. Raffles was her boy, and I know she misses him so much.

Raffles and Georgie took part in many JH classes and did very well but to be honest Raffles wasn’t really into showing so we decided to only show him occasionally and he seemed to prefer this.

One thing Raffles did enjoy was camping he loved the fresh air and the noise of the other campers, he did have a fun packed life.

I did stud him a couple of times but sadly I never kept anything from those matings, I always thought I would have time to use him again but sadly that wasn’t meant to be.

His dad Soda I did use a few times along with his mum Secrets so I do have siblings and other relatives to Raffles.

He will be so sorely missed by us all here especially the other collies, as they have lost a valued family member.