07 Apr

Hello there my friends... 

Just wanted to update you about my showing. 

I handled Diablo in the Smooth collie post grad dog class at Crufts 2023 and he was so happy in the ring, he showed very well and went round the ring like he owned it, he gives me such a great feeling when we are together. I love showing this boy and so happy that I co-own him with Pat. We were placed 3rd so Diablo and I have qualified for another Crufts outing in 2024.

Then I showed Secrets in the veteran bitch class, this class was one of the largest of the day with 19 entries there were a few missing, the judge is a very careful and polite judge and went over Secrets with care, Secrets went round the ring and showed lovely like she always does. She is 10 yrs old now but you wouldn’t know it. I was happy when the judge pulled us out and we were short listed, then I was smilling as we were placed 5th a great feeling being placed in such a quality class. 

Then I went into the mid limit dog class with another I co own with Pat this time it was Thistles turn, he was up in this class for the first time, with many older collies, but once again he didn't let me down, he went round the big ring like he owned it and again I had big smiles on my face when he was placed 4th.

So for me again this years Crufts has been a special day one that will all ways stay in my memory.

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