30 Jul

Hi friends, I was asked to show another breed of dog, Rhodesian Ridgebacks (an African breed) . These are powerful dogs much more powerful than the collies and of what I am used too. 

I worked with the 2 dogs twice at ring craft and then we hit the show, this was there first time showing ever 

I have shown them at two champ shows and have done really well with one of them, her name is Amber, and we seem to be getting on well. Here are my results with her. 

The first show was Leeds where Amber was placed 1st in puppy bitch and then won best puppy in breed and then she also was placed 2nd in special beginners. Savanna was placed 4th in her class which was junior.

The judge was Jackie Parker. 

The next show was on the 30th of July it was the Midlands & Northern Rhodesian Ridgebacks Club Champ show. Amber and I won Best Minor Puppy and Best Puppy in breed then we went onto win Best minor puppy in show and lastly Best Puppy in show

The Judge was Liz Storey., What a whirl wind of a day, Amber done me and her owner proud, I am more than happy with this girl

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