13 Dec

Hi folks sorry its been a while since our last news but its been a very entertaining month here for us we have had puppies.

There are new show results up on our showing page so take a gander, and it’s been lovely weather for ducks here as it has been for most parts of the country. So we hope your all dry and safe.

Many of our owners have get togethers and go on walks together, this is great as it gives siblings the chance to still keep in touch and have a play, so if any of you do this please let us know and send pics will add them into our next news. 

Over time I have come across many leaflets and info on various subjects so this news is slightly different this month as I am adding the info here for all to see and please take note and maybe keep this info for future reference you never now when it might come in handy.

Also the breeders words these are just what we here think we love it when past buyers get in touch with pics and info with what they are getting up too and how the dogs are doing so please family keep it up we NEVER get fed up of hearing from you, we take pride in each and every one of you, you all mean so much to us no matter how long ago you bought your pup from us. 

I also added the judging words of a famous judge as we hope most judges adhere to this way of judging. 

As the nights are drawing in make sure you and your pets are well lit on your walks in the dark, here’s hoping that bonfire night was not too dramatic for you and the pets, maybe one day all fireworks will have no bangs we can live in hope. Take care all of you and more next month with lots of pics and more updates.

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