07 Apr

Well folks just to up date you all

Crufts 2023 drum roll please

It was a hell of a start, had to hire a van to get there as our van still out of action....set off at stupid o’clock...then the snow and snow and more snow...so thick and falling fast other drivers still going at speed....then 3 lanes closed off leaving all the traffic to file into the last remaining lane well that’s a laugh to start with...finally almost at the N.E.C. and a slow puncture, couldn't get any better or could it?

Made it into the disabled car park....managed to slide along ( the car parks hadn’t been gritted) and then park, it was so windy and bitterly cold we were all freezing with teeth chattering ( those I have left that is lol). Then unload the dogs fold the crates and stack on the grooming table and finally after we all looked like snowmen started on the hike to the halls. The dogs were not impressed with the snow and were trying to hurry to get out of it, so were pulling Georgie and myself along ( who needs batteries in a scooter when you have dogs lol)

Finally we made it to the entrance of hall one......had to wait ages to get scanned in as the snow had got to the scanners and it was working on a go slow I mean a snails pace, after an age finally ta dah in, now the dash to find the benches, and guess what the benches had moved and we were on the other side to where we usually are , so this took ages too, then hay ho we spied them. Put the cages on the benches the dogs in the cages and we can now BREATHE. 

First things first a cuppa so out comes the bags find the flask and pour the tea, hot and steaming lovely.........then brush and get Diablo sparkling for his class which starts early at 8.30 so at 8.20 myself and Georgie rush over to ring 5 and wait and wait then somebody tell us that the judging has been put back to 9am because many cant get into the car parks because of the snow. 

This folks was just the beginning of our day, but it only got better. Diablo strutted his stuff as usual and was placed 3rd so again qualified for Crufts 2024. 

Then we rushed back to our benches grabbed another cuppa and food then got Secrets ready for her class she looked so beautiful and manicured from head to toe you wouldn’t believe she is almost 10 yrs old, no grey on her face or anything and can still move, her class had 19 entries and was a strong class, but she went round that ring like a youngster and was placed 5th did I have a tear, well done old girl. 

Then it was Thistles turn to be on the grooming table and manicured to perfection, whilst he was on there he had a few admires and looked very regal. He and Georgie went of to the mid limit class, again another strong class, he showed off and moved lovely, whilst I was watching I was thinking of his breeder Jean ( who sadly is no longer with us ) and how proud she would have been of Thistle a lovely pocket rocket who at 3 yrs old is now coming into his own, I know she was cheering him on, well when the judge placed him 4th I said this is for you Jean, hope your watching

After all this we were finished showing so we ate our picnic and chatted to the many admirers of my collies and then had to pack it all up and go home. Another Crufts over and another one to look forward to, another one to qualify for, and yet many more very early mornings to look forward too, oh how I love showing.

Finally to all our friends who came to see us I enjoyed our chats and I enjoy the friendships we have that’s what makes owning and showing dogs so great. So till next time we meet take care and enjoy the great outdoors and will see you again.. Crufts next year?

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