24 May

We here are so sad to hear of Paul O’Grady’s passing although we never met him we felt we knew him, always watched his programmes and enjoyed his wit and humour. The world is truly a sadder place since he has gone. 

We along with most of the nation are so sad at the passing of Paul O’Grady a hero for the animals. Here are a couple of poems we thought very fitting for this outstand human being, so to you Paul we thank you and will miss you always, and hope your up there at the Rainbow Bridge. 

“Hello! "From me in heaven

As you all know, I've died. 

To stay down there amongst you lot 

Well, I really really tried 

But Him up there sent a hit man 

Who dragged me from my bed 

And instead of taking me below 

I've landed here instead. 

It happened all so suddenly 

While I was sound asleep 

Dreaming of my doggie friends, 

My pigs, my goats and sheep. 

I got dropped outside these shiny gates 

And told to ring the bell 

(I was glad I wore my jimjams

And my breath it didn't smell!) 

I got ushered in by Peter 

(I think that was his name) 

And I asked him what the matter was 

And just what was his game.

 "You'd better see the boss" he said 

And quickly disappeared

Leaving me confronted by

An old guy with a beard. 

This guy produced a glass of wine 

And gave me a strange nod 

"I am known by many names 

But you can call me God.

Now, we have up here a vacancy 

Impossible to fill 

But someone very close to you 

Told me you'd fit the bill". 

I stared at him with open gob 

Then guzzled down the bevy 

"I'll help you if I can" I said

 "As long as it's not heavy!" 

"There is a door beside the gate 

Through which all creatures pass" 

And staring back I saw a sight 

Which made me drop my glass 

T'was Murphy standing, arms outstretched 

My mind was all afluster 

For standing right beside my love 

Was Bullseye, Olg and Buster.

 "You're needed here to help these pets"

 My Murphy did advise 

And seeing my loved ones once again 

Brought tears to my eyes.

 "Ahem, may I continue please?" 

This man named God then spoke 

"These animals need someone kind 

And we think you're the bloke 

To wait beside this special door 

Let those approach come through it

And help each one dispell their fear". 

"That's it!" said I "Let's do it!!" 

So here I am with Murph and dogs

Putting creatures at their ease 

A job which gives me so much joy 

And really is a breeze. 

We spoil them when they come to us 

With treats from out the fridge

 Then when we know they're ready 

We help them cross the Bridge.

So stop the sadness that you hold. 

Don't let those teardrops fall. 

For I'm here in my element 

With heavenly love From Paul xx

Written by a Paul O’Grady fan.

In other news 

I thought you would like to see this something from the archives .. Lassie family portrait, together on a picnic bench, photo taken in 1954. 

Far left, Pal, the original Lassie. He was born June 4, 1940. First in line to portray Lassie in film, on radio, and on television. First feature film, "Lassie Come Home" 1943. 6 more Lassie films. Pal crossed the rainbow bridge on June 18, 1958 at age 18.

Next 4 collies from left are, young Laddie, Lassie, old Laddie, Lassie Jr. 

I would also like to add that another of my dearest friends has passed, Diane Marples was a great lady, loved her collies, her husband and she loved life, she passed away all too sudden and the collie world has lost another great person, I had the great fortune of calling Diane my friend, we camped together for one whole summer and did we laugh, we enjoyed all things collie, and she used to bake such mouth-watering food and cakes, and I miss her so much. R.I.P. my friend till we meet again.

On a lighter note I have now another Rough collie girl a blue daughter of my Thistle she is called Cinders and she has been added to the young girls section so take a look

That's it for now , only a little bit of new , So till next time we meet take care and enjoy the great outdoors and will see you again..

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