12 Jan

Merry Crimbo Happy new Year, well that’s the festive greetings out of the way. And as 2021 starts the news on the covid front is grim. 

The new year is starting just like the 2020 ended and the least said about 2020 the better. We had a lot of sadness here in 2020 as we lost some great friends. My friend of many years Jean Aikman died in January not long after my birthday and I miss her still , she had a dry sense of humour and a quick wit, she could be sharp with her tongue but if she called you a friend then she would do anything for you, I am lucky Thistle one Jean bred is living here with us Cheers Jean. 

Then later in the year we lost Jasper then we lost my foundation pair Captain and Jet too you I owe everything, your legacy will always go on.

So all in all 2020 has been a really bad year the worst I think we have ever had. We here had two lovely litters comprising of 6 pups in each litter, sadly one who was Arrow died in her sleep it happens sometimes and so another downer to add to the rest for the year ,all pups went to great owners and are now in there new homes and I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for keeping me supplied with great pics of the pups growing up it means a lot. 

We are now waiting for our next two litters to make an appearance sometime in 2021 watch this space. All the dogs are fit and well and seem happy although the rain keeps giving and makes the grooming of the dogs harder than normal. We will have a new van soon so will be upward and Mobil once again, so soon will be able to take the dogs for a ride. 

The kittens Boots and Mittens are growing fast and will soon be off to the vets to get there bits sorted shhh don’t tell them. 

Buttons and Socks are now almost one year old, where has that time gone ? and I must say the rat situation is a lot better now Socks is fully on the case .

I hope that we can get to some shows this year have missed it so much and I know Georgie has missed it too, seems so strange not to be going to ring craft twice a week, so boring being indoors all the time but at least I have the animals and Barry to keep me entertained. 

To all those out there in cyber space who take the time to read our news I thank you. 

Now for one of my pet hates .....Delivery drivers, well what can I say here on the farm we have a large farm gate as you do and it has to be kept closed all the time ( we have horses and dogs) but it isn’t locked when we know that we are expecting a delivery. I ordered dog food and a lot of it then I was told the delivery would be on the wed well wed came and went the delivery company said they had tried to deliver it but gate was closed so they tried another day said the same thing ,I contacted the supplier and they said the company told them I had been to their depot and had picked the order up, I hadn’t have no idea where there depot is , so in no uncertain terms I complained and finally after almost 2 weeks of trying to get this order I finally got it. This has happened with another delivery company as well, they wont get off their backside and open the gate. So too all delivery drives am I bothered am I bothered look at my face. Bothered ( not a bit) well maybe just a touch lol Rant over folks. 

Please keep visiting this web site as new stuff is added we will have new pics of the dogs got to add pics of the pups to 2020 litter and much more if any of you have ideas or maybe some snippet of information or any comments please put on our comment section we will see it and if its good will add to web site also please remember if you want to have your Caprioara collie added to connection section we are more than happy to add it so its there for all too see.


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