07 Apr


Yes folks that time again another year older for all of us, I know I am a bit late with the New year greetings but nevertheless we wholeheartedly mean to wish you all the best for this new year going forward. 

We have been to a few shows since the new year and results as always on our showing page. There is a 2023 year round up of our best results and we have had another great year, looking forward to this years showing. 

Georgie has done rather well for the year 2023 and now she has been accepted onto the L&P committee so onwards and up wards for our Georgie. 

This year we are hoping for the patter of tiny paws been a little while since we had pups, and as usual if anyone out there in cyber space is interested please contact us and we will be happy to add you to our list of puppy owners.

Sadly we have lost our oldest girl who was almost 15, our Ice, her story has been added to our Fields of Gold page, take a look and remember with a smile one of our loveliest girls.

We are hoping to( once this mud has done one) to have brand new pics of our dogs. The count down to our own YouTube channel has started. So watch this space. 

Lastly we here send you all our love and best wishes for 2024 and hope that whatever you wish for comes true and that 2024 is a good one. Take care our friends give those collies a hug, snuggle into there fur and tell them how much you love them, remember your there world, there everything, make the time you have with them special. 

Till next time .......

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