21 Jul

We hope you are entertained by our goings on and we look forward to keeping you updated with all things Caprioara and Omordha. If has been an eventful few weeks with the grass and weeds having a growth spurt lol, Barry keeps cutting it down and it just keeps growing but we have friends who are coming and will be tackling the undergrowth so in the next month it should look more like a proper farm rather than having Japanese snipers hiding here lol. So we are looking forward to that.

The van saga well I had to call the police and report that the van still wasn’t back, I can say I see why the public are not keen in helping the police as they don’t seem to be interested in some of the crime out there I thought theft was a crime but maybe mechanics can get away with it as it seems to be with us. But after a lot of persuading and threatening with the police and as of this date the van is still not back. 

Our newest addition Cinders went to her first show on the 18 July 2023 and she was placed 4th , she went to a fun show a few days ago and she loved it so she might just be our new star on the block here, hope so, as she is a daughter of Thistle and has such a pretty face.

Impulse our Tofti also went to the fun show she was in the xbreed class over 20 entered and she didn't get picked but she did enjoy it, loved being out will all the people. 

Other news looks like the girls are now ready to come into season so the patter of tiny paws might not be too far away, hope so as we have puppy's booked, so will keep you all updated on that score.

My self and Barry showed our team of dogs at the East of England show as Georgie couldn't attend, we haven't done this for 2 years and boy did we miss Georgie’s help, we are deff getting to old for this showing lark, need the younger body and younger legs of Georgie, ( yes I know many of you know exactly what I am on about age comes to us all) Sadly this show was to be there last one such a sad day in many respects I have always enjoyed the East of England show and have supported it over the years it is a well run and happy show, it was held at a new venue Rutland showground and it was lovely and flat very short grass and big rings, so I hope other shows would look into this venue for use in the future. If you wish to see how the dogs did at this show please go to the showing page. We went to the East of England open show and the results are also on our showing page please take a look. 

Please also take the time to go to our Fields of Gold page as sadly Dreamer has passed away and her obituary has been added there worth a look.

Georgie has been taking to doing some private training for friends with there Smooth collies, that was interesting and more on that in Georgie showing page.

All is good here, the weather like most of the country is hot and settled, the dogs seem happy and enjoy the long days, the horses are happy munching the grass and hay as usual, we have lovely evenings around the fire pit chatting long into the night and BBQ's too what more can we ask for, so we hope that you are all ok, that the world is smiling on you, that your loved ones are close, and that you enjoy the long evening as much as we do. 

Georgia take over 

Hi friends, well I have been doing well at the shows, I did hit a black spot and lost my way for a short while but I am back and even more determined to do better. 

As you can see from my show results I competed against older handlers and much to my amazement I beat them and was awarded Supreme Handler in Show, wow I was extra happy, buzzing in fact. 

I was then asked by good friends of Pat Corben to help train there smooth collies ( Diablos’s mum and sister) so of course I said yes. I spent only about an hour with them both and managed to get them to do quite a bit, I had fun doing this and the dogs had fun too. So you can see in the pics how happy they were, so I might now be showing them in the future. I also have another person who wants me to train there young dog not for the shows but to walk on lead come back and general stuff like that. So will see what happens with that. 

Next I am looking for some holiday work ..yes you have guessed it working with dogs probably in a groomers as that’s another thing I want to do. I might be on holiday from school, but I wont have much spare time as still got a lot of shows to go to as well, but that’s how I like it busy busy busy. 

I am sure my future is bright and full of the things I want to do. Till next time my friends see you round the rings Georgie

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