13 Dec

Things have been moving on a pace here, new kennel building is now up, just waiting for the inside kennels to go in and to finish the fencing around there field then its all go, pics to follow. 

Our old van has had to be scrapped, but we have another so I can now get to the shows again.

All the dogs are doing well Impulse has had her pups 4 boys and are big and strong a

We have here for a while Barb’s and Ray’s two smooth girls Alaska and Masie who are sister and mum to Diablo so the family is back together for a while, Alaska and Masie will be out at some shows this coming year and we will see how they do, so for now they are temporary caprioara collies, We wish to add here that we wish Barb and Ray get well soon wishes and big hugs from us

I am asking again if anyone would like to have there story and pics of there collies added to our caprioara section there are many of you that haven't been added and I am sure you would like to so please contact me and your story will be added, remember this web site is for you too, also some of you have get togethers and go on walks and meet up with other Caprioara collie owners so please let us know send a few pics and we will add them here on our news items, The owners of Ruben and Storm I know often get together and enjoy walks and even hols together and Obi sometimes join in as well as other owners.

We are now coming to the end of the show season with only LKA champ show left and a couple of open shows to do, then its all quiet for Xmas and New Year and then once again the shows start again. We have done really well this year considering we didn't enter as many shows as we usually do, I will be doing a year round up of the major wins / placings for this year in the xmas news section so look out for that. There are new show results new updates on most of the collies pages and Raffles has been added to the what’s make us section ( this is a section where all those passed collies from Caprioara that I have bred have there pages about them so you can look them up.

Make sure you and your collies are well lit at night so you can be seen we don’t want any accidents. If you have any news of your own wins or places at fun dog shows any agility news or are going to do something fun let us know we will add to our news it all makes it more interesting for others to read. And this web site is for you as well as us.

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