14 Jun

Howdy folks, we are sorry for the delay in the news but we have been really busy and just haven't found the time. 

The weather not been too bad but its certainly not summer yet here, still a lot of wind and heavy rain. 

There was two match night at the Thursday club, where Diablo and Georgie was placed 1st there, so another win in the handling classes. We then went to a match night at our Tuesday club and whilst some didn’t catch the judges eye, Diablo in the JH class certainly did, he and Georgie went on to win the JH class and received another rosette to add to their collection, Well done both of you. 

We had visitors come and stay for a few days, they are very dear old friends, in fact there the breeders of Diablo so he got to see his mum and sister, they had fun on the field and wasn’t sure of the horses at first so kept barking at them, but the next day they seemed to have given that up so both the dogs were ok with the horses, as for the horses as usual they didn't take any notice of the dogs.

I am sure that Barb and Ray will add comments about there stay here for a future news, as I know that they have taken many pics whilst here, so nice to have a long awaited catch up with them both. 

There is no repot from our roving reporter Socks as he and the others we kept indoors whilst Ray and Barb visited as there dogs don’t like cats and our cats just love dogs, so he will be back another time with some more gossip.

We have also had a lot of drama here as seems the norm, our microwave decided it’s had enough and wanted to go to heaven, so now we are microwave less for a while. We finally got our toilet repaired so now we are back in business ( no pun intended lol). The outside water tap has also been repaired, so now we have water on tap lol, ( its a bit like living in a field lol, what I hear our friends say its what you have been doing for years camping at the shows ) 

The dogs are happy and full of beans (as usual) and once again this coming week will be busy grooming and tarting the dogs up for the show in the next weekends to come , we have 

  • Southern Counties Champ show,
  • Three counties champ show 
  • Newmarket open show

so you see busy busy bees here , so any results we may have will be on the showing page.

All the dogs are thriving and two of our girls will be getting checked to make sure their in whelp but we think they are so the patter of tiny paws will be heard soon, will keep you updated, needless to say any pups will all be DNA tested .

So now it is a waiting game to see what we get. Here is the 2 matting we have done Cola and aslan and a picture of river who is there daughter from the last littler and then there is magic and aslan and there son Sunni from there last litter.

On a brighter note, one of the puppy's from our last litter (dad is Aslan and mum is Secrets) named Ben who lives down south went to his first ever show it was a fun local show where he was in the pedigree class and he won 2nd place and then in the handsome dog class where he won 1st place, Ben and his owner both enjoyed the experience and will do it again so well done and keep it up we are happy on your success. So if anyone with either a Caprioara or Omordha collie enter any type of competition please let us know and we can celebrate together. 

Just a little taster of our recent success at the shows, Aslan won at the Three Counties show a very special honour that I have been trying to win for 25 yrs ( that’s how long I have been showing ) and its very special to me, for all the details please go to the showing page.

We hope you are all enjoying the time you spend with your pets but as the summer finally decides to get here please remember that pavements get really hot and burn your pets paws really badly, keep them in the shade and only walk them in the early morning and very late evening dogs never die from NOT being walked but they die from the sun and the heat.

Well folks I hope that once again you have enjoyed our stroll together down the Caprioara and Omordha lane of life, and that your journey with your pets is just as fulfilling, they are precious, they are fun, they can be naughty, but most of all there FAMILY, make the most of every day, because as you all know there are never enough days to share with them. We hope you have laughs and make memories together and make each day count. Till the next time we get to share a small part of our life with you take care.

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