06 Sep

Sorry this news Is rather late, but we have had a few problems and we are trying to get things organised before the winter hits. 

We have a lot to share with you all, firstly we have a new collie here, she is 1.5 yrs. old and is half Welsh sheep dog and Half Rough Collie she is known as a tofti and her name is Impulse. I got her from a well-known breeder

We have been to a few shows and all the results will be on the showing page along with any recent critiques for those shows Georgie and her partner in crime lol 

Diablo have been strutting their stuff in the YKC rings again the results will be on Georgie's showing page along with the other breed she has begun to show. These are which she shows for a friend they have had good results and means that Georgie has another breed to show 

We are now in the process of putting up new fencing around the fields and also having new stables put up, there is now a field for chickens/ducks/goats and pigs, so we are getting to be more like a farm now. The new kennels should be going up very soon so hopefully for the winter the dogs will be in new indoor kennels. 

Now to the saga of the van.... Well, it's still in the garage yes folks still there 12 weeks later and still not done. They have taken out the fuel injectors and are now waiting for a friend to deliver other ones then perhaps we will get the van back we are so lost without it, yes, we have a curtsy car, but I can only get 2 dogs in it and it's so clapped out that we can't go far in it, just so wished we hadn’t sent it there. 

Lastly we went to Welsh Kennel champ show and whilst there had a great surprise one of our puppy buyers of 2 yrs. ago Tracy Griffin and her husband Tim along with Zorro ( a son of Houdini) were on their hols and came to see us, it was a lovely surprise and I so loved seeing Zorro again he is so handsome and you can see how much he loves his owners, so a big thank you to you for taking the time and thinking of me and visiting me. 

We only have 2 female pups looking for there forever homes they are both tris so if interested please contact us 

I hope that you have enjoyed this small window on our life here please go to the showing page and the puppy page for more information, take care my friends and till next time stay safe and give your fur babies an extra hug form us xx

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