26 Jun

Well folks its that time again more news from us here at the mad house. Weather not been that good windy and cold here whilst other parts of the country are bathing in sun not fair we say. But at least its not muddy and we can get onto the field. 

Georgie and Diablo got a mention in the Smooth collie breed notes which doesn't happen often.

Georgie Moore handling Stormsett Shadow Dancer via Caprioara gained 3rd place in the YKC handling class 12-17 yrs judged by Suzy Roffey. ( 10 entered 3 absent, well done. Delia Moore’s breed note writer.

We have had some very sad news and its so hard for me to put it here and talk about it, as its so tragic, but both Raffles and his mate Deliah have passed away together laying beside each other and touching paws, we think they may have been attacked by an adder during the night, Barry went in and fed them around 12 midnight and they all were ok they all ate there dinners. And when he went back into the kennels in the morning around 10am they were both dead, so we had them cremated together and there ashes will be laid to rest in the memorial garden with all the rest of there family, so gutted so sad, this is the first time I have been able to put it into words and now I have to write an obituary for them and add them to the fields of gold page

Gone far to soon doesn't cover it, any words I can say wont be enough. Men have come and gone, being in love is great, but nothing will ever compare to the love I have shared with all my dogs. I really don’t have much else to say so sorry the news is short this time I am gutted and just cant write anymore except take care see you next time

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