06 Sep

Well here we are again folks, the start of another month September already where has the time gone. Lots of things going on... 

Firstly a new report in the Caprioara connection page, its of Albus (yes named after dumbledore, and if you don’t know who Dumbledore is then where have you been over the last few years lol) His owner have kindly written a lovey piece about him and the pics of what he gets up to make you smile, so please take a look. 

There are a few show reports added to the showing page for you to browse and to see how your collie relatives have been doing on the show circuit so again take a look. 

And now a drum roll please.... Storm owned by Annette won a photo competition and so here is the pic of Storm which won, he is now the pin up dog for Worm counts for Dogs. Well done to Storm.

We have come up with an idea and we really want feed back on this idea so you can get in touch with me on either of the fb pages I run or leave your comments on this web site or email me but PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU FEEL YOU WOULD LIKE as if so we will expand it further, The idea is this on this web site we will add ( with the owners permission and NOT to be copied ) pictures with the kc names of the ancestors of your dogs in your dogs pedigrees, so you can get your pedigrees and look up all the dogs named in it so you can see what they looked like, therefore you will be able to put a pic to the names. So it will bring the pedigree to life for you As far as we are aware no other breeder offers this. We thought it might be a way of making your collies family tree more personal. We have already added quite a few onto this new page and its simply called ancestors if this is something you our readers want we will add many more, so please get in touch as this web site is for you as well as us. 

Now for more important news we have mated Magic with Thistle , Winter with Percy ( this will be winters last litter) and OMORDHA have mated Rain with Flint and cola with aslan.  So if any of you are interested in a pup then please contact us as they are not all spoken for at the moment

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