27 Aug

Well folks time for another news update.

We are now all back on line and the telephone works , got tv and also I have a mini oven so can cook that’s the good news but ( there is always a but ) I am watching the weather forecast and yes you guessed it a storm is heading our way with 50 /60 mile an hour winds and as we live on a hill and its all open country side we are going to get pounded, so we might not have tv, internet or telephone, that’s the way it goes living here.

Hi I am butting in (pardon the pun), its Buttons and Socks here we are now old enough to go out and so mum leaves the door open and we rush out then rush back in then off we go again, its great, we chase the flies and wasps and love the long grass to crouch in. But we don’t like the rain, we watch the drops running down the windows and try to catch them, the dogs are fine and some of them when they see us bark but we stick together and carry on. Mum feeds the birds and we love to chase them to ( haven't caught any yet) anyway we off now on our jolly's as the door is open and the great outdoors is calling.

There go the cats whizzing by, we are off back to London to visit our family and friends only going for a few days and Georgie and Kat will look after the dogs and cats for us, we are so grateful, we haven't seen those in London since xmas and have missed them so much. So Georgie and Kat many thanks you are both stars.

As for all the dogs there still going strong they have been enjoying the sunshine and had there pool out and chasing up and down but now the weather isn’t good they are having a few days off, got to start getting them ready for the show in October groomed and bathed to within an inch of their life comes to mind then keeping them looking like that is hard especially Thistle as he loves the Horse poo ( rolling in it ).

We had a visitor today they don’t live far and admire the collie they have an old one and saw the collies running in the field a few days ago and wanted to meet them, well they fell in love, Dreamer especially took there fancy as she spent all the visit cuddled up next to them. They just couldn’t get over Aslan and Simba the size and how all those they saw were so gentle and loved being with them. Think I might have a puppy home in the future. Lovely people.

Hi folks Cap-a-tain here the old gezzer the roving reporter, well we had bad thunderstorms last week but as I am deaf it didn’t bother me ( see there’s something good about being deaf) now we have rain just gets better. Just wanted to add my two pennyworth Thistle was stinking out on the field and we were so glad that he got a bath, I asked him why he did it he just said because he could and he loved the perfume, I walked away in disgust. 

The kittens watch us out on the field and soon as we go over to them they take off gee they are fast. I toddled off to the other field took me ages and my poor old bones were creaking ( need some more of those move tablets works wonders). I went to see the horses, haven’t chatted with them for ages the rest of the dogs like to chase the horse up and down the fence line but I have manners and respect not like the youngsters. Anyway the horses are getting fed up as they have grass to eat and want to know where the hay is? They think that the dogs have a screw missing lol as they run about all day and the horses just keep eating the grass. So now you have what going on from me your roving reporter, bye for now Cap-a-tain

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