08 Oct

I am sorry there has been no news for the last few weeks but we here at Caprioara have been coping with some very sad times.

Our Captain and Jet have both died just 2 weeks apart, these two are the foundation of our kennel almost all the dogs here go back to these two wonderful collies, without them the Caprioara kennel would not have the enrichment and depth of pedigrees that we have, we owe them both so much and their legacy will forever live on. 

Also I learnt that in between losing both of them my first ever collie I bred died as well, Shep was a son of Opal and Opal was a half sister to Jet, so as you can imagine it has been extremely hard to concentrate and carry on, my dogs mean everything to me and all of them hold a special place in my heart, so when I loose any its hard, very hard, but I know you all understand. 

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