Hi there all...just a few items for this week's news.
Lock down continues ..I know boring ….but there are some things going on.
Look at what came in the post during the week
Ice won through to the British Collie Veteran dog of the year but we were unable to take part as our van decided to be ill and it didn’t pass its M.O.T so was in our bad books and in the garage for a week or two. But the club sent the diploma and rosette as a keepsake what a lovely thing to keep.
Website spelling mistakes
This web site is very new and as we know that there would be a few spelling mistakes we decided to get our Caprioara mascot or office dogs body to proof read the site well here he is, the pics that tell the story, at first he was all up and ready for it.
Then after a while he almost fell asleep so peeps if you still spot any mistakes blame the mascot.
Raining on the farm
Also we had a few days of rain, well really hissing it down to be precise, and after almost 2 weeks of sunshine, (the sun never lasts long here in Wales.) we are now watching the rain running down the window. As you can see in the picture most are asleep that’s how exciting it's been today.
Well that’s about it for this week's news...Wait I here you shout …what about the result of the quiz on our FB page...
The answer is - Pearl is the tri on the settee and the blue is Captain....I know Olga, Debbie white and Diana Marple got it right and so if anyone else did congrats you know my dogs.
Also just something to run past you as a thought would any of you be interested in having a calendar for next year 2021 made up of pics of your Caprioara dogs we are thinking of selling them for around £10 each large glossy pics if interested please contact us through fb and if we get enough interest then we will do some, you could dress your dog up with Easter eggs and bonnets for the Easter month tinsel and decorations for Christmas something along the holiday lines you get the idea might be a laugh what you think ?