14 Nov

We are sorry for the delay in our news items, but we have had some very sad news our dearest friend has passed away she too was called Pat.

I have had the good fortune to be able to call Pat my friend for over 20years. 

We first met through a mutual friend Zoe. She had a problem with her dog and so Pat myself and Zoe worked hard to overcome this, and we did, Sacha became a great family pet to Zoe and her family,

It was then Pat joined Zoe, Donna, and myself as a dog instructor at our training club, which we all loved it especially Pat, and whilst there I gave her one of my German Shepherds who I had bred called Cherokee, he turned into the love of her life. 

Pat had had 3 German shepherds before Rebel 1 Rebel 2 and Rebel 3 each one treasured by Pat, but Pat always said that Cherokee was special. He used to make her laugh with his antics, and she was never happier than walking or brushing him. So, when he passed, she was heartbroken, and I know a piece of Pat died with him. 

I did try to get Pat to have one of my collies as I don’t breed the German shepherds anymore but although she loved them, she didn't want another Cherokee would be her last one. 

Pat loved her wild birds which shared her lovely garden, she would whistle and down would come the robins, they would come to her table to get the food, and some would even feed out of her hand and sit on her shoulder, you have to be a special person for wild birds to trust you like this. And after Pat passed, I went back to that garden several times and each time there were no birds none and no bird song, not even any birds flying over the garden, do you think they knew?

There was things Pat had done in her life which until I read and looked through her home I never knew.

Pat played charity football matches against the celebrities of the day, Jackie Pillow, Mick McManus, Eric Bristow, Big daddy, and many others all this to raise money for various charities. Her nick name was Pat pile driver fellows, and I can just see her tackling and getting the ball and running all over the pitch. Pat and Rebel 2 also raised almost £2,000 for charity with a down stay for the German Shepherd rescue

I am lucky to have many many memories, these I remember with a smile, like going to a fun dog show and Pat entering the best six legs, she rolled up her trousers she drew two black eyes on her knees and went into the ring with Cherokee and yes you guessed it she won, what a laugh. We went to many places together car boots, fun dog shows and even Crufts, Pat nearly got barred from Crufts for you see she went to the German shepherd ring with Donna and her daughter Becks who was showing there German shepherd Dieter who was Cherokees half-brother , well into the ring went Dieter and the judge didn't even look at him Pat climbed onto a chair and started throwing obscenities at the judge calling him a lot of not very nice names, she was escorted from the hall and when I asked her about it her answer? Well, the judge didn't give Dieter a second glance so I told him he must be blind, that’s our Pat, she called a spade a spade and didn't suffer fools. 

We used to spend many Saturdays together either at her home or mine, we had fish and chips, 2 bottles of wine, I would listen to Pats stories and how we would laugh together. Cherokee used to share my chips but only if they had garlic sauce on them, he was also my drinking buddy, he liked the wine I was happy to share it with him. 

Pat loved to go to her club, she had been going there for years, and in later times she always took Cherokee where he would go round asking for crisps from the other members, Pat would be either at the bar with her scotch or at the fruit machine having a good time. 

Pat got to form a special friendship with one of my collies Percy and when Pat was in the hospice, I took him to see her, she knew he was there as he nuzzled her hand, and she stroked his head and said his name and Percy will be going to her funeral to pay his respect to a special person. I spent a few days in the hospice with Pat and although she slept most of the time, she knew she wasn’t alone.

A few weeks before Pat passed, she told me that she wasn’t afraid to die, that it was another journey, that she would be able to be with her dogs again, for she truly believed in the rainbow bridge as I do, so I know that Pat is now with Rebel 1 Rebel 2 Rebel 3 and Cherokee doing what they did best, be together. 

So Pat thanks for the memories of a beautiful person, for the laughs we had, for being there, I will see you again at that Bridge

 I raise my glass to my friend Cheers

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